Proposal Development Status


This function is currently not available in the WVU+kc system.

Kuali Coeus is a new electronic research administration, web-based application being implemented at WVU to manage the research administration needs of university faculty, staff, and students. WVU+kc will be rolled out in phases to replace existing processes at the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance (ORIC). The system that is currently being designed by the Research Office of Information Technology and the Office of Information Techology includes an IRB, Award, and Pre-Award module that will replace the BRAAN II system used by ORIC and implement a new award management system at OSP which will result in the electronic distribution of award Green Sheets. Future modules will address funding notifications, proposal submissions, conflict of interest, and a variety of other research administration tasks. Additional help documentation will be provided as the functionality of the system increases. For more information about the WVU+kc project visit our website, Facebook, or Google+ websites.