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WVU's electronic research administration (eRA) solution, known as Kuali Coeus (WVU+kc) is a web-based application currently being utilized for submission of proposals, funding notification and administration of externally-funded awards, as well as research compliance. Information Technology Service (ITS) is further developing it to create a comprehensive system that will manage all the complexities of research administration at the university, fully addressing the needs of the faculty researcher, grants administration staff, and federal funding agencies.

WVU+kc is operational with the IRB Protocol, Institutional Proposal, Award Initiation, Subaward, and Proposal Development modules. Future modules that will be implemented include:

To stay up to date with information regarding the WVU+kc project, visit the ITS Projects website. For information regarding enhancements or system outages follow WVU Information Technology Services on Facebook or Twitter. For assistance with system usage, contact the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444 or by email at