You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration

Budget Adjustment


Introduction and Contents

The ability to create a KFS Budget Adjustment (BA) document by posting a KC Award Budget document is possible only when the following two procedures are performed:

      Setting up BA creation integration:  How to get certain things in place that enable this KFS-KC integration feature.

KFS Account from KC Award:  See prior procedure for ensuring a KFS Account has been created from a KC Award that includes Object Codes mapped to KFS and processed.

KC Object Code Table with Financial Object Codes:  KC Object Code table has new Financial Object field for mapping value inquiry.

Financial Object Code Mapping Maintenance Document:  How to use this maintenance e-doc, which is a part of the setting up of this integration feature.

KFS Parameter:  Details about fields and values that make up this parameter that is required for this integration feature.

      Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget:  How to perform the necessary task steps to use this KFS-KC integration feature.

Key Terminology

      KFS Account: A pool of funds for a designated purpose. In relation to research, usually an award budget would reside in a single account specific to that project. A single award can be associated with a single account (thus, the BA document will only contain one account).

      KFS Object Code: A fine-grained identifier used to track income and expenses (budget & actual) on a KFS account.

      KC Budget Category: A broad identifier used to categorize expenses on a KC proposal budget.

      KC Object Code: A fine-grained identifier used to categorize expenses when creating a budget. Object codes have a “many-to-one” relationship to KC Budget Categories.




Setting up BA creation integration

Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget

Error Troubleshooting

Advanced Adjustments