- This function of WVU+kc is only available to Office of Sponsored Programs staff.
The Institutional Proposal section contains key proposal identification information.
- The information in the Institutional Proposal section comes from a Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document. Users with appropriate permissions may change the information in the Institutional Proposal section.
Figure 262 Institutional Proposal Section Example
Field |
Description |
Institutional Proposal Number |
Read Only. System-generated, sequential number identifying the Institutional Proposal document. |
Fiscal Month/Year |
Read Only. The fiscal month and year that the Proposal Development document or Proposal Log document was created.
- WVU’s fiscal year runs July-June, so 1/2013 would indicate that the proposal was submitted in July 2013.
Award ID |
Optional. Unique identifier for the Award to which the Institutional Proposal document is tied. Enter the Award ID into the text box by clicking the search icon to search. |
Project Status |
Required. The type of submission. To select a Proposal Type, click the drop-down menu and select from the Proposal Type options:
- New: A new proposal.
- Resubmission: A resubmission of a previously-submitted proposal.
- Renewal: A renewal of a previously-submitted proposal.
- Continuation: A continuation of a previously-approved proposal.
- Revision: A revision to a previous proposal.
- Task Order: An order for services against an existing contract or agreement.
Initial Contract Admin |
Read only. The name of the Initial Contract Administrator is auto-populated by WVU+kc with the name of the OSP administrator for the award created from the Proposal Development or Proposal Log document. |
Updated By |
Read only. The user name of the last user to update the Institutional Proposal document. |
OSP Number |
Required. The OSP number assigned to the proposal. OSP numbers represent the fiscal year the proposal was submitted and the sequential number for the proposal. For example, OSP #13-678 would be the 678th proposal submitted in fiscal year 2013. |
Principal Investigator % Effort |
Optional. The level of effort the PI will be contributing to the project. |
Project Title |
Required. The title of the project. Enter the title by clicking within the text box or by clicking on the add note icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window and clicking to add the text to the Institutional Proposal. |
Institutional Proposal Version |
Read only. The Institutional Proposal version number. WVU+kc increments this number each time the Institutional Proposal is edited and saved. |
Created from Prop Log |
Read only. The Proposal Log number from which the Institutional Proposal was created. |
Status |
Required. The status of the Institutional Proposal. To select a status, click the drop-down menu and select from the options:
- Pending: The proposal has been submitted but the sponsor has not made a funding decision.
- Funded: The proposal is funded and an award is complete.
- Rejected: The proposal was not funded by the sponsor.
- Deactivated: Generally defined as a proposal that is pending but for which there is no funding decision and no notice of rejection after a specific amount of time.
- Withdrawn: The researcher has withdrawn the proposal.
- Do Not Use-Revision Requested: A revision to the proposal has been requested which will result in a new Institutional Proposal document being created.
- Held for Funds Availability: WVU is holding the proposal because the sponsor ran out of funds.
- Void: The Institutional Proposal was created in error.
- Task Order: An order for services against an existing contract or agreement.
- The status of Funded cannot be selected. WVU+kc automatically sets the status to Funded when an Award is linked with an Institutional Proposal.
Activity Type |
Required. WVU’s function for this proposal, based on OMB Circular A-21. Select the Activity Type by clicking on the drop-down menu of options:
- Research: Research and development activities that are separately budgeted and accounted for.
- Instruction: Teaching and training activities.
- Public Service: Community service programs that benefit the public.
- Clinical Trial: Health study to test a new drug or invasive medical device on human subjects.
- Other: Programs and projects financed by federal and non-federal agencies and organizations which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research.
Proposal Created Date |
Read Only. The date the Institutional Proposal was created. |
Last Updated |
Read Only. The last date and time the Institutional Proposal document was updated. |
Level of Review |
Required. The review given to the proposal by OSP staff. Select the level from the drop-down menu options:
- Full: Proposal received at least five working days prior to the agency deadline, reviewed fully, and revised as needed.
- Partial: Proposal received less than five working days prior to the agency deadline, reviewed and revised if time allowed.
- None: Proposal received less than five working days prior to the agency deadline. OSP had no time to review and revise as needed. Submitted as is.
Short Title |
Optional. The short title of the project. |
Table 86 Institutional Proposal Section - Field Descriptions