You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Effort Certification

KFS Account Inquiry Retrieves KC Award Data

Inquiry links on the Award tab of the KFS Account Inquiry display the related information from the KC Award.

Figure 1266  Award Account tabbed section of the KFS Account e-doc - Example

When you click the link on this tab, another window will open and the KC data will be displayed. The displayed data will be KC equivalent to what is shown on the current inquiry screens.

The Award Title is also added  (to assist with effort certification) as a link, but only when the user viewing the Account inquiry is assigned to the appropriate KC role with KC View Award permission.

Mapping of the data to be displayed:


Table 859  KFS to KC Field Mapping


KC Data

Linked To

Proposal Number

Award Number

KC Award / Award Tab

Award Title (new)

Award Title

KC Award / Award Tab

Director Name

Principal Investigator (PI) for the Award Number

KIM Person / Contacts Tab

Prime Sponsor Name (formerly FPT Number)

Derive the Prime Sponsor Name from the Prime Sponsor Agency Number.  If the Prime Sponsor is null, then leave blank.

KC Sponsor/Contact Tab

Grant Number

Sponsor Award ID

KC Sponsor / Contact Tab

Sponsor Name

Derive the Sponsor Name from the Sponsor Agency Number.

KC Sponsor / Contact Tab

A flag is used to turn on and off the functionality. A global setting (configuration properties) to turn on or off the KC integration determines if this feature is enabled.