The Person Details subsection displays details that are already stored with the selected key personnel member's record, but also allows the inclusion of additional contact information. The Percentage Effort and Office Phone fields must be compelted before this page may be saved.
Field |
Description |
Proposal Person Role Id |
This list displays the role that was selected for this team member. You may click the drop-down to change their role to Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator. |
Full Name |
The individual's full name, as listed in the WVU+kc database. Click the Direct Inquiry |
User Name |
The user name assigned for this person in the WVU+kc system. |
First Name |
The selected individual's first name. |
Last Name |
The selected individual's last name. |
Middle Name |
The selected individual's middle name, if any. |
Organization Fields | |
Email Address |
Required. The email address of the selected individual, as recorded in their WVU+kc person record. If an email address is not included with the existing record, it must be entered before the Key Personnel page can be saved. |
Office Phone |
Required. The office telephone number of the selected individual; this field must be completed in order to save data to the Key Personnel page. |
Primary Title |
The position title held by this individual at WVU. |
Directory Title |
A title may appear in this field if the individual has a title assigned in the WVU+kc directory. |
Home Unit |
The unit or department where the selected person's primary position is located. |
Division |
The WVU division where the home unit is situated. |
eRA Commons User Name |
This individual's user name on the NIH Commons site. |
Fax |
The fax number where this key person can receive documents; their office fax. |
Office Location |
The building and room location of this key person's office. |
City |
The city in which this person's office mailing address is located. |
Address Line 1 |
The first line of the person's office mailing address; the room and building. |
County |
The county in which this person's office mailing address is located. |
Address Line 2 |
The second line of the person's office mailing address; the PO Box number. |
State |
The state in which this person's office mailing address is located. |
Address Line 3 |
The third line of the person's office mailing address; any additional info. |
Country |
The country in which this person's office mailing address is located. |
Percentage Effort |
Required. The percentage of this individual's time and work effort that will be devoted to the proposed project. |
Faculty |
This checkbox indicates whether this key person is a faculty member. |
Training Fields | |
Completed CITI Training |
This field indicates whether this key person has completed the required conflict of interest in research training. |