You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

PHS 398 Training Subaward Budget V1.0


A completed PDF extracted budget form must be uploaded to the Sub Award Budget panel (Budget Actions tab) of the KC Propdev Budget.  Locate and download an appropriate NIH training grant opportunity from the website. Open the Adobe opportunity form set, select the Training Subaward form and “Move” it to the “for Submission” box to open the form. Follow the extract instructions provided on the form. Complete the required budget entries – subaward budget requirements are identical to those of the proposal lead budget. Upload the completed Adobe form to your KC Proposal Development budget.



      Open the Adobe opportunity form set, select the Subaward form and “Move” it to the “for Submission” box to open the form.

      Extract the Training Subaward budget attachment–automatically the File Name field is prepared with the name like “PHS398_Training_FIF-V1.0.pdf” – you can alter this name prior to saving (just don’t delete the “.pdf” file extension).


      The extracted budget file for Subawards must be checked as “Subaward/Consortium”

      Training Subaward budgets must conform to the same sponsor rules and requirements as the primary applicant budget. Please reference your sponsor’s submission guidelines for specific details. Once the form is completed, the file can be uploaded in the KC Budget Actions tab.

      Within the Sub Award Budget panel of the Budget Action tab add appropriate Sub Award Organization and then add the completed extracted PDF file by clicking the ‘extract XML’ button.


      The printed form will look like the below, with the attached Training Subaward budget(s) referenced in the numbered attachment(s):