You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Account > Setting up Account creation integration

Prerequisite Condition Checklist

To use the Account Creation integration feature, the following requirements must first be met:


Information Architecture and Software Design:  The CG Accounts Default Document (NewAccountAutoCreateDefaults) needs to be set up on KFS.  This document has a unit attached to it and details like address, fiscal officer, etc..  Entries for the different units or the topmost unit needs to be set up before you can create an account.


Award in final status:  In KC, You need an Award in FINAL status.  Once it is in Final status, you will be able to create an account.


User Alerts:  In KC, The Financial System Integration parameter (FIN_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_ON) switches the integration point ON or OFF.  If this parameter is ON, you will be able to create an account, otherwise, the option will not show up in the Awards panel.

 End of activity.