You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

RR Budget V1.1 (5 yr) & (10 yr)

Please follow Proposal User Guide instructions for basic budgeting instructions. Cost Element mapping to Budget Categories in your local environment will impact where your expenses appear on these forms.  This guide sheet will provide some tips to understand where expenses appear and how to reassign Budget categories at the proposal level to meet sponsor budget requirements. See the Premium Proposal User Guide for detailed budget category instructions.



Tips for Senior/Key Persons:

A maximum of eight (8) Senior/Key persons can appear in full detail in Section A. The PI is always listed in the first line. If your budget has more than 8 senior persons and Addition Senior Key Persons attachment will be automatically generated and submitted with this form.

      Persons maintained as the Investigator, Multi-PI, or Co-Investigator will always map to Key Person section, if applied to the budget (trumps budget category)

      If your personnel cost element is NOT mapped to Senior Personnel but should be for a particular submission, change the Budget Category for this line item before you add the budget person detail.






Tuition is considered an “Other Direct Cost” by definition on this Budget form, and is grouped with other similar expenses in line 8.

H. Indirect Costs:

The indirect costs will be detailed by rate. If there are multiple applicable rates for the period, an indirect cost line will be populated for each rate.

Cognizant Federal Agency

The information (agency name, POC name and phone number) is populated from the proposal's Organization record, using the rolodex entry for the maintained cognizant auditor.


J. Fee: Generally, a fee is not allowed on a grant or cooperative agreement; we do support this field.



Budget Justification narrative file should be uploaded as a PDF file with the other proposal narratives. Select the correct narrative type for your budget form.

RR Budget use: BudgetJustification (narrative ID 7)

RR Budget10 use:  Budget_Justification_10YR (narrative ID 132)