You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

RR SF 424 V1.2


User entries are required to populate the forms as noted by yellow-highlighted, bold boxed cells in the tables.

Mandatory form field for validating the form for submission

There may be fields where the data requirement has been met due to actions required for other forms or general KC entries.



Field Location

KC Tab

Field Name



Type of Submission

Opportunity: Submission Type

List options are:

Pre-application, Application, Change/Corrected Application


Date Submitted


Submission Details section

Date is inserted by KC upon OSP approval and submission to


Applicant Identifier



Applicant ID is the KC Development Proposal number.


Date Received by State



Not required


State Application ID



Not required

4 a

Federal Identifier

Proposal - General Info

Sponsor Proposal No.


Required if the Proposal Type is Renewal, Resubmission, Continuation, or Revision.

Required if the Submission type is Changed/Corrected Application

See Notes for additional instructions.

4 b

Agency Routing Number

Proposal - General Info

Agency Program Code

Enter the agency-assigned routing identifier per the agency-specific instructions.  This is an optional field.


Organizational DUNS

Proposal - Organization

Proposal Organization

Institute Organization Data maintained centrally for the Institute. Users do not need to enter.


Legal Name

Proposal - Organization

Proposal Organization

Institute Organization Data maintained centrally for the Institute. Users do not need to enter.

5.3 – 5.4




Not required


Not required

Institute hierarchy data maintained centrally for the Institute. Users do not enter.

5.5 a-f

Specific address info

Organization table                

Proposal Organization

Users do not need to enter.

This is the organizational data for the proposal organization. The legal name is the name of the organization. The address information comes from the rolodex details of the organization contact person.


5.6 5.7-5.9

Person to be contacted on matters involving this application.



Users do not need to enter.

OSP Administrator assigned to Proposal Lead Unit in Institute Unit Hierarchy: maintained centrally for the Institute.


Employer EIN or TIN

Organization table                  

Proposal Organization

Users do not need to enter.

Institute Organization Data maintained centrally for the Institute.


Type of Applicant

Organization table                  

Proposal Organization

Users do not need to enter.

Institute Organization Data maintained centrally for the Institute.


Type of Application

Proposal - General Info

Proposal Type

Select from the drop-down list.


If Revision, mark appropriate boxes

Revision section

Select from dropdown selections as appropriate


Is the application being submitted to other agencies?

What other agencies


Question 15 reply and Explanation

If yes, click the Yes button and then enter the name of the other agency in the Explanation field. Otherwise, select No.


Name of Federal Agency

Agency/Sponsor & schema for selected opportunity

This field will populate based on selected opportunity.



CFDA entered or schema

This field will populate based on selected opportunity or if the CFDA was manually inserted to perform the search.



Program Title from schema

This field will populate based on selected opportunity


Descriptive title of applicant’s project

Proposal - General Info



200 character limit –Sponsor title length limit may be shorter.


Proposed project Start & Ending dates

Proposal - General Info


Start Date

End Date

Enter the project Start and End dates.


Congressional District of Applicant

Organization table

Proposal Organization

Congressional district maintained for the proposal organization – no user entry required..


Project Director/PI Contact Information

Key Personnel

Principal Investigator: Details

Address and contact data for the PI come from the proposal investigator Details and maintained unit hierarchy information.


Total Federal Funds Requested

Budget Summary

Total Cost

Total costs of all budget periods will be inserted; Detailed budgets will use Summary data, Modular budgets will Modular Budget Cumulative data.

If there is no budget, this field will be set to zero.


Total Non-Federal funds

Budget Summary

Cost Share

The sum of total cost share committed will be inserted.

If there is no cost share, this field will be set to zero.


Total Federal & Non-Federal Funds

Budget Summary

Total Cost & Cost Share

The sum of Total Costs and Cost Share of all budget periods will be inserted. Detailed budgets will use Summary data, Modular budgets will Modular Budget Cumulative data.

If there is no budget, this field will be set to zero.


Estimated Program Income

Budget-Distribution & Income

Total Program Income

The total program income will be inserted.

If there is not program income, this field will be set to zero.


Is the application subject to review by state under Executive Order 12372 Process?


Q ID “EO”.

If the YNQ question's status is Inactive, this field is set to 'Not Covered’ (No;a)

If the YNQ is active, a Yes answer will require entering a review date.

(Yes) -This pre-application/application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on __________ insert date in Explanation field


a. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372

b. Program has not been selected by state for review


Signature certification

OSP Approval

Final OSP Approver/submitter

This field will be checked upon approval.


SFLLL or Other Explanatory Documents

Abstracts & Attachments

Narrative type:


If applicable, attach the SFLLL or other explanatory documentation per agency instructions.


Authorized Representative

OSP Approval

Final OSP Approval/submitter

The fields will be populated with the information specific to the OSP approver and the timestamp of the approval.

While in progress or during routing for approval, this field displays the Organization’s Contact Rolodex information.



Abstracts & Attachments

Narrative type: Pre-application

Upload a pdf file to this type, if appropriate

Prior Form Version info:

Versions 1-0 and 1-1 utilize narrative type: “Additional Congressional Districts.” Congressional district information data was relocated from the SF-424 at version 1-2 and is now supplied on the Performance Sites form.

RR SF424 1-0, 1-1

Retired versions. Similar instructions to current if needed.


Special notes on Federal Identifier; Field 4a:

There are several methods to populate the Federal Identifier field to meet the varied sponsor requirements for this data. Please read your specific opportunity instructions and sponsor application preparation guides to understand what data and format should be provided for your application.  END USER maintenance of the Sponsor Proposal No. field will trump any linked/system-filled method described later in this section as sponsor instructions and formatting vary so wildly.


Examples of some known usage of “federal identifiers” for s2s submissions:


For a “New” Type of Application, leave the Sponsor Proposal No. field blank.

For a “New” Type Changed/Corrected Application, enter the Tracking Number of the previous application that you are correcting in the Sponsor Proposal No. field to fill the Federal Identifier field (Item 4) field. If you are unable to recall the tracking number, you can enter “N/A.”

For a “Resubmission”, “Renewal”, or “Revision” Type of Application, enter the NIH IC and serial number of the previously assigned application/award number (e.g., CA987654) in the Sponsor Proposal No. field to fill the Federal Identifier field (Item 4).

      Resubmissions: the IC/Serial number is in the prior KC Proposal record, in the panel, Submission Details tab, Agency Tracking ID field.

      Renewals and Revisions: the IC/Serial number is part of the Sponsor Award Number and should be located in the KC Award. Otherwise, confirm this number at NIH eCommons.

For a “Resubmission”, “Renewal”, or “RevisionChanged/Corrected Application, enter (or retain the number from the previous submission attempt if it was correct) the IC and serial number of the previously assigned application/award number (e.g., CA987654) in the Sponsor Proposal No. field to fill the Federal Identifier field (Item 4)


For a Renewals or Revisions to the Department of Energy, a DOE Project Identifier is often required. Follow the opportunity instructions for the data to insert in the Sponsor Proposal No. field in KC Proposals.


NOTES on Automatic Population of Federal ID will occur under the following conditions:

a.     IF  Federal Identifier is required

b.     IF the Proposal Type = Renewal, Continuation or Revision,
AND the Sponsor Proposal No field is null,
AND the parameter: FEDERAL_ID_COMES_FROM_CURRENT_AWARD parameter is set to 1
THEN, the system looks for a value in the Award No. field (from that Award record) to populate the Federal ID.

1.     If both Sponsor Proposal No. and Award No. fields are null, then the following hard error occurs: [Upon validation]
 Renewals, Revisions, and Continuations require the sponsor’s prior award number in the “sponsor proposal number.”For NIH, this is the 2-letter, 6-digit IC and serial number assigned during the prior review.

Important: the

c.     IF the proposal type = New,
AND the Submission type = Change/Corrected,
AND the Sponsor Proposal No. is null,
OR proposal type = Resubmission
AND the Sponsor Proposal No. is null,
THEN the system looks for Original Proposal field (from that Institute Proposal record) to populate the Federal ID.

2.     If the system finds that both Sponsor Proposal No. and Original Proposal No. fields are null, then the following hard error occurs [Upon validation]:

      Renewals, Revisions, and Continuations require the sponsor’s prior award number in the “sponsor proposal number.” For NIH, this is the 2-letter, 6-digit IC and serial number assigned during the prior review.

      OR- Resubmissions require the sponsor’s prior award number in the “Sponsor Proposal Number.”  For NIH, this is the 2-letter, 6-digit IC and serial number assigned during the prior review.