You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

SF 424A V1.0 (Budget Information – Non-Construction Projects)

Please follow Proposal User Guide instructions for basic budgeting instructions. Cost Element mapping to Budget Categories in your local environment will impact where your expenses appear on these forms. 


Section A: Budget Summary

Box (a) - Grant Program Function: Opportunity title from the Opportunity selected.

Box (b) - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number: CFDA number entered by user or populated by Opportunity.

Box (c) and (d)- Estimated Unobligated Funds: intentionally not populated

Box (e) - New or Revised Budget – Federal: total federal (sponsor) cost of the project.

Box (f) - New or Revised budget - Non-Federal: cost sharing amount for the project

Box (g) - New or Revised budget –Total: total cost of the project.


Section B: Budget Categories: contains budget amounts broken out by budget category. Correct amounts are dependent on the mapping in osp$budget_category_mapping and osp$budget_category_maps.

6_Object Class Categories

a - Personnel: costs for all personnel

b - Fringe Benefits: all fringe benefits

c. Travel: travel costs (osp$budget_category_maps codes 73 and 74)

d. Equipment: equipment costs (osp$budget_category_maps code 42)

e. Supplies: supplies costs (osp$budget_category_maps code 43)

f. Contractual: subcontracts (osp$budget_category_maps codes 04)

g. Construction: construction ((osp$budget_category_maps codes 40)

h. Other: all other costs

i. Total Direct Charges: total direct cost

j. Indirect Charges: total indirect cost

k. Totals: total cost

7_Program Income This is total project income entered by user.


Section C: Non-Federal Resources: cost sharing is published to the Applicant column. We do not populate State or Other Sources columns


Section D: Forecasted Cash Needs:

13 - Federal. Total for 1st year is Total Federal Cost for period 1. The quarter amounts are derived by dividing the Total Fed cost for year one by 4.

14 - Non-Federal. Total for 1st year is Total cost sharing for period 1. The quarter amounts are derived by dividing the Total Cost share for year one by 4.


Section E: Budget Estimates of Federal Funds Needed for the Balance of the Project: This section has the total federal (non cost sharing) amounts for budget years two through five.



Section F: Other Budget Information:  intentionally not populated.