The Edit Proposal Log section is used for the collection, maintenance, and viewing of information that is vital to a proposal. The information in the Proposal Log is transferred directly from information on the Electronic Blue Sheet (EBS) when one is submitted to OSP.
Field |
Description |
Proposal Number |
Read-only. The system-generated identifier for the document. |
Fiscal Month/Year |
Read-only. The system-generated fiscal month and year the proposal log was created.
Proposal Log Type |
Required. The type of the Proposal Log:
Proposal Log Status |
Required. The Proposal Log submission status:
Title |
Required. The title of the project. This text box has a 200-character limit. |
Principal Investigator (Employee) |
Required. The name of the employee who is responsible for the proposal.
Lead Unit |
Required. The department of the PI responsible for the administration of the proposal. |
Sponsor |
Required. The unique identifier of the sponsoring organization. |
Comments |
Optional. Internal notes about the Proposal Log. |
Deadline Date |
Optional. The sponsor’s deadline date for the proposal submission. |
Created By |
Read Only. The user ID of the person who created the Proposal Log. |
Log Create Date |
Read Only. The date the Proposal Log was created. |
Updated By |
Read Only. The user ID of the person who last modified the document. |
Last Update Date |
Read Only. The last date the Proposal Log document was updated. |
OSP Number |
Required. The OSP number assigned to the proposal. OSP numbers represent the fiscal year the proposal was submitted and the sequential number for the proposal. For example, OSP #13-678 would be the 678th proposal submitted in fiscal year 2013. |
PI % Effort |
Required. The level of effort the PI will be contributing to the project. |
Short Title |
Required. The short title of the project. |
Lead Organization (WVU or other) |
Required. The organization submitting the proposal. |
Deadline Type |
Optional. The type of proposal deadline established by the sponsor
Project Status |
Required. The type of submission:
Estimated Project Start Date First/Current Year |
Required. Date the first budget year of the project will begin. |
Estimated Project Finish Date |
Required. Date the first budget year of the project will end. |
Total Project Period Start Date |
Required. Date the total project period will begin. |
Total Project Period End Date |
Required. Date the total project period will end. |
First or Current Year-Agency Costs-Direct Costs |
Required. Budget costs for the first year o the project. |
First or Current Year – Cost Share –Dept/College |
Required. Cost-share provided by the department or college for the project’s first year. |
First or Current Year – Cost Share –Other |
Required. Cost-share provided by other sources for the project’s first year. |
Total Project Period – Agency Cost-Direct Costs |
Required. Total project budget costs. |
Total Project Period – Cost Share Dept/College |
Required. Total cost-share provided by the department or college for the entire project. |
Total Projec Period – Cost Share – Other |
Required. Total cost-share provided by other sources for the entire project. |
FA Rate |
Required. Facilities and Administrative Rate used for the project. F&A costs are costs of an institution which are not readily identifiable with a particular project or activity but are necessary to the general operation of the institution and the conduct of its activities. F&A rates vary depending on the type of work being conducted and if the project will take place on campus or off campus. |