Required Fields for Saving Document

Required Fields Section
Proposal Development Document, Required Fields for Saving Document

The Required Fields for Saving section is where you will enter the basic details to get started with a new project proposal. Complete the following fields to the best of your ability. All fields are required except for the OSP Number, and the Proposal Number which will be generated by the system.



Proposal Number

After the first time the Proposal Development document is saved, this field will display the system-assigned document number.

Proposal Type

The proposal initiator must identify the type of project being proposed.

  • Continuation: the proposed project is a continuation of an ongoing project
  • New: a new project is being proposed
  • Renewal: the proposed project will be a renewal of a previous project
  • Resubmission: this proposal has been previously submitted and is being resubmitted
  • Revision: this proposal has been revised from an earlier version
  • Task Order: the proposal establishes task details for a project

Department/Lead Unit

The department at WVU that will oversee the project activities and will receive/manage the award; usually also the unit of the Principal Investigator. You must click the search icon to search and return a value for the correct unit.

Activity Type

Identify the type of project activity involved.

  • Applied Research: research conducted to gain the knowledge or understanding to meet a specific regognized need
  • Basic Research: undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge without any particular application or use in mind
  • Developmental Research: systematic use of the knowledge or understanding gained from research directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods, including the design and development of prototypes and processes
  • Clinical Trial: clinical trials of new medicines or procedures
  • Instruction: research or other project activities aimed at developing or delivering improved instruction
  • Other: other project activity types
  • Service: project activity will be focused on service to the community

Short Title

an abbreviated version of the project title to be used for records and paperwork

Project Title

the complete, full-length title of the project; can be up to 200 characters

Sponsor Code

the identification code and information for the agency that will sponsor this activity; you must click the search icon to search and return a value for the correct sponsoring entity.

Initial Start Date

the first date on which project activities will begin for the initial project period (projects can occur over multiple periods)

Initial End Date

the last date on which project activities will occur for the initial project period (even if the project will continue in subsequent periods)

OSP Number

If the proposed activity is associated with an existing OSP project, enter that number here.

Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page – Section Descriptions