
The Subward document is the master record for a subcontract. It contains detailed information including a complete history of changes made to subaward from the time of notice through closeout. Administrators enter and maintain information pertinent to the subaward in the Subaward document.

Document Layout

The Subaward document is comprised of a header area, three tabbed pages (Subaward, Subaward Actions, and Medusa) each of which contain expandable, tabbed sections/subsections, and an action button area.

fig 331
Figure 331 Subaward Document – Subaward E-Doc Header


The Subaward document is comprised of three tabbed pages. There are seven fields that are required to be completed before the Subaward document can be saved. The remaining pages are arranged in the order of completion from left to right.




Key identifying information about the subaward document.

Subaward Actions

Subaward data validation, print, ad hoc recipients, and routing.


A hierarchical view of WVU+kc e-docs and a point-of-entry for them. Shows the relationship between the Subaward document and Award document and allows users to navigate between them.

Table 125 Subaward Document – Subaward Page Descriptions

Roles and Responsibilities

The Award Maintainer (OSP Administrator) is responsible for creating, modifying, deleting, and/or viewing Subawards; maintaining a list of one or more approved Subawards for an existing Award; and for documenting the Organization Name and Amount for a Subaward.

Creating a New Subaward Document or Open an Existing Subaward

Create a New Subaward Document

To create a new WVU+kc Subaward document:

Access an Existing Subaward Document

To open an existing WVU+kc Subward document:

To Initiate a Subaward Document

  1. Enter a name for the document in the Description field of the Document Overview section.
  2. In the Funding Source section, use the lookup search icon icon to select a funding source in the Award Number field. Click the add add button to add the selected funding source as a numbered line item in the table row below.
  3. Complete the fields within the Subaward section of of the Subaward page.
  4. Click the save save button button at the bottom, center of the page. A confirmation message will appear in the notification area at the top, left of the page to indicate a successful save of the document. The Document ID: Status field in the header area will display a unique number and SAVED as the status.
