This topic discusses the links in the Workflow menu group that appears on the System Admin menu. It introduces screens and functions that are used by technical staff that support the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW). Typically, only one person or a few people at the organization would use this functionality. Thus, this documentation introduces the overview of the functionality, however, the technical staff at your institution should consult the Kuali & Rice Web sites, the Kuali wiki, and related online resources to obtain more detailed instructions from the technical documentation available from the Kuali Foundation.
Before You Begin: Prior to using the functionality that is accessible from the Workflow menu group, it is important that you have appropriate background information about Route Levels and Routing Rules. For related information and a general overview of Workflow concepts, see Routing Fundamentals. |
Figure 1196 System Admin Menu - Workflow Group
Although other menus in KC contain menu groups labeled ‘Workflow’, the one on the System Admin menu is designed for administrators for configuration and monitoring purposes (as are others like Service Bus). The options in this menu group are used to configure and maintain the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW).
Table 841 System Admin Menu - Workflow Group Description & Subtopic Contents
Link Name (linked to documentation subtopic) |
Description |
Enter criteria to search for rule attributes by Name, Class Name and/or Attribute Type. | |
Search for rule templates by Name or Description. | |
Access / export e-doc lite style sheets and widgets. | |
Browse for and upload XML data. | |
Select date ranges and generate reports containing Users, Actions, Documents and Routing Status statistics. | |
Access and open a document by Document ID for the purpose of performing operations on the document. | |
Search for a document type by entering the following criteria: Parent, Name, Label, ID, and/or Active/Inactive status. |