You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Account > Creating a KFS Account from a KC Award

Detailed Procedure

The following how-to procedure covers the sequential task steps in more detail, showing examples, screen shots, and action result notes.


To create a KFS Account document from a KC Award document:


Click the plus  symbol next to the Awards option in the Post-Award group on the Central Admin menu to create a new Award document.



Select options and/or enter data in all required fields (marked with an asterisk , for example, Transaction Type in the Details & Dates section of the Award page).



Enter a Sponsor ID in the Sponsor section (for example, ‘000400’ for NASA – Washington).



Enter an Obligated Amount and an Anticipated Amount in the Time & Money section  (for example, $10,000.00 in Obligated, and $20,000.00 in Anticipated). 

tip.png  Entering money in the Obligated Amount field allows you to create budget versions at a later time from the Award.



Select a Sponsor Template Code, then click the apply button, and confirm yes.  This fills many fields for you and allows you to avoid validation errors.




Click the save  button to to continue to other pages.

note.png  When KC displays the save successful message (), you are then able to log out and log back in to access and complete the rest of the Award document at a later time.



On the Contacts page, add a PI ( for example, select Nicolas Majors) by using the Person lookup and selecting the ‘Principal Investigator’ option from the Project Role list and then clicking the add button in the Actions column in the Key Personnel and Credit Split section.




On the Commitments page, fill out the F&A Rates subsection of the Rates section for the current fiscal year and click the add button. 


Award validation itself does not require this, but it IS REQUIRED for the integration.



Click save .



On the Custom Data page, “asdf” (custom) tabbed section, enter a Graduate Student Count (for example 34) in the Personnel Items for Review section, then enter a Billing Element (for example, 3434). 


The Custom Data is required for Award validation.


On the Award Actions page, click the turn on validation button.  Fix errors as necessary if they are found.



When no errors are present, click the submit button to send to workflow routing. 


The Award Approver must approve the Award document, which changes the Document Status to ‘FINAL.’


You are redirected to the Kuali Transactional Document Postprocessing Holding Page which is a screen that appears in the body area, temporarily replacing the display of the KC Award e-doc page.  It displays a ‘The document is being processed.  You will be returned to the document once processing is complete.  You can also return to the main menu by clicking below.’  message and a [return to portal] command button.


The Award document Award Actions page eventually displays a ‘Document was successfully submitted.’ message in the notification area, and the new Create Account section appears.



Enter an account number that doesn’t exist in KFS into the Account ID field in the Create Account section, and then click the create account  button in the Actions column.  This creates a KFS award account (Account document) with this document number in KFS.

note.png  KFS Account numbers are typically 7 digits long.  Depending on your unique implementation, there may be additional character requirements.




The left column of the Create Account section displays the Financial account document number (sequentially assigned by the system automatically).  The Actions column is replaced with the Account creation date column, which statically displays the time and date stamp indicating when the new account was created in KFS.

This Doc # returned from KFS to KC now becomes searchable in KFS (the type of e-doc it is is called Account), and the Title is ‘New Account – Automatic CG Account Document Creation’. 



To verify in KFS, you can do a doc search on that Document/Notification Id on the Document Lookup screen.


When you open the KFS Account document, the Account Maintenance section is populated either:

    from the CG Accounts Default Maintenance Document, or…

    picked up from KC

tip.png  The KFS override parameter can be set to pick up this information from KC or from the CG Accounts Default Maintenance e-doc.

You must then send the new Account e-doc into routing or blanket approve it, before you can actually start using that account.

caution.png  Implementation Caution:  KC zip codes are not in KFS right now. If you take out the suffix of the KC postal code (test environment workaround), leaving first five digits, the approval will work.  However, since the Postal Code table is a shared Kuali Identity Management (KIM)  table, you will likely only use one table for this reference item anyway.

End of activity.