You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Account > Creating a KFS Account from a KC Award

Quick Reference Guide - Abbreviated Procedure


To create a KFS Account document from a KC Award document:


Create an Award document that passes validation, and also includes:

    F and A rates for current fiscal year for both on and off campus

    Principal investigator and credit split


Save and submit to cause the Create Account section to appear on the Award Actions page.


Enter the Account Number and click the create account button.  The KFS-assigned Document Number is returned, and if that account number already exists, you will be notified to enter a different one.

The Account document is created and saved in KFS, and if the KFS parameter is set accordingly, it also is routed.


In KFS, click doc search and find the document (for example, titled “New Account – Automatic CG Account Document Creation”) to verify this procedure was successful.

caution.png  Currently, KFS does not accept the zip code from the PI address in KC, so it would need to be changed to 5-digit prior to approval.

 End of activity.