You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Overview > KFS-KC Integration Feature Summaries by System

KFS 4.1.1

      New Account documents get created from KC Award documents

      New Budget Adjustment documents get created from KC Award Budget documents

      New Contracts & Grants maintenance document called Account Auto-Creation Defaults (a.k.a. CG Account Default) maintenance document

      KC to KFS Effort Reporting:  The Effort Certification document gets Project Director from the Principal Investigator on the KC Award document and routes accordingly.  When KC is implemented along with KFS, the KFS Effort Certification document routes to the Principal Investigator associated with the KC Award document instead of the Project Director associated with the KFS Award document.  This essentially makes KC the system of record for defining Project Directors in KFS.

      Account inquiry:  Account inquiries will include award information if integration is turned on.