You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Budget Adjustment > Setting up BA creation integration

Prerequisite Condition Checklist


To use the Budget Adjustment Creation integration feature, the following requirements must first be met:


The Account document created by create account process needs to be processed before a BA document can be created:  You have to have a valid Account, you have to have an Award, and you have to have created the Account with the Award (as described above), OR you have to have an Award linked to an Account.


The Object Code table on KC needs to be mapped to KFS object codes:  In an Award Budget, you typically add line items into the budget as an expense.  For each line item entered, there has to be a KFS object code associated with that line item.  When you submit your Award Budget document to KFS, the integration picks the KFS object code mapped to the corresponding KC object code, creates an accounting line for the object code, and then adds it to the budget adjustment details that are sent over to KFS.


The FIN_OBJECT_CODE_MAPPING table needs to have KFS object codes mapped.  This table is used to map KFS object codes to expenses like fringe, indirect cost, calculated direct cost, etc. that get calculated based on rate class, rate type.  This table lets you add a financial object code to a combination of rate class code and rate type code.  There is also a unit and activity type associated with the KFS object code in case you want to use different KFS object codes based on the unit or the activity type.  KFS object codes need to be mapped for the rate class, rate type combinations that will be used in the award budget calculation.


The income object code needs to be set up on the KFS end.  The RESEARCH_ADMIN_INCOME_OBJECT_CODE_BY_SPONSOR_TYPE parameter needs to have valid income object codes.  Eg:  0=0896;  1=0896 :  In order to create a Budget Adjustment document on KFS, KC sends all the expense lines associated with the Award Budget.  KFS, on receiving these details from KC, calculates the income line required for the budget and uses the object code mapped in this parameter for the income line.  The sponsor type of the award is used to pick the correct object code from the list. 

 End of activity.