You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

RR Key Person V1.1



This form lists the investigators and key persons for the proposal indicated within the ‘Key Personnel’ tab of KC proposal development. The PI is listed first. The order of the remaining persons is determined by the order within the ‘Key Personnel’ tab.



Name information comes from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.



This is the directory title from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.


Department and Division

Department is the person's home unit from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.

Division is obtained by traversing up the unit hierarchy from the unit to level 4. If the home unit is at or above level 4, then the division is the same as the home unit.



This is the proposal organization.


Address fields

Address information comes from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.


Phone, Fax, Email

Phone, fax and email come from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.



This comes from the ERA commons user name field from person details in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.


Project role

This is set to 'PD/PI' for PI and 'Co-PD/PI' for co-investigators. If the sponsor is NIH, then the role for Co-investigators is set to 'PD/PI'.


Other Project role category

For persons other than PI or Co-PI, it is set to the Key Person Role from person details indicated in the ‘Key Personnel’ tab within KC proposal development.


Attach Biographical Sketch

This contains the file name of the personnel ‘Biosketch’ attachment type [Person Document Type code 1] included in the ‘Abstracts and Attachments’ tab within KC proposal development. This is a required attachment on most submissions.


Attach Current & Pending Support

This contains the file name of the personnel ‘Currentpending’ attachment type [Person Document Type code 2] included in the ‘Abstracts and Attachments’ tab within KC proposal development. This is not a required attachment on most submissions.