You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

RR Key Person Expanded V1.2

The 1-2 version added fields for Degree Type and Degree Year.

User entries are required to populate the forms as noted by yellow-highlighted, bold boxed cells in the tables.

Maintenance issue: Zip+4 in your Person Table addresses

If the zip code submitted is only 5 digits, not zip + 4, you may notice a red box highlighting these entries when the application is processed at NIH eCommons. This does not fail validation at either or eCommons at this time.


Mandatory form field for validating the form for submission

There may be fields where the data requirement has been met due to actions required for other forms or general KC entries.




KC Tab

Field Name



Project Director/

Principal Investigator:

Key Personnel


Project Role: Principal Investigator

Select Proposal Role: Principal Investigator prior to saving the retrieved selection.

This PI contact data will also populate the SF424 (R&R).

Use the Employee Search function to locate the Institute PI in the KC Person Data table.

Use the Non-Employee Search to locate individuals in the KC Rolodex.

Enter the estimated total project effort in the appropriate % effort fields and Multi PI checkbox (if appropriate) prior to saving.

Other field data returned from the search can be modified on the Details screen. (ex. phone, fax, commons user name, unit, as well as other specific contact data.)

Specific contact and degree details may be edited for this submission by selecting the Details function for the person.

Fields with white backgrounds are editable. Users can enter data in empty fields, or change existing data.  Changes will only be made to this proposal, and any copies of this proposal. To revert to the maintained KC-Institute data, delete the investigator and then search and save the investigator again.

Form specific fields:

KC data for the PI will automatically populate forms unless modified in the Details screen


Key Personnel


Prefix of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.

 (values equal: Mr., Mrs., Miss. Ms., Dr., Rev.)

First Name

Key Personnel

KC Person Table data will print to forms.

First name of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.

Middle Name

Key Personnel


Does not publish.

Middle name of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.

Last Name

Key Personnel

KC Person Table data will print to forms.

Last name of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.




Suffix of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project. (values equal: Jr., Sr., MD, PhD, JD)


Key Personnel

Primary Title

Position/title of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.

Organization Name

Person table

Not editable

Organization name of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project


Person table

Not editable

Department of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.


Person table

Not editable

Division of the individual responsible for the overall scientific and technical direction of the project.


Key Personnel


First line of the street address for the PD/PI in the “Street1” field.  .


Key Personnel


Second line of the street address for the PD/PI in “Street2” field.


Key Personnel


City for address of the PD/PI. 


Key Personnel


County/parish for address of the PD/PI.


Key Personnel


State where the PD/PI is located.  This field is required if the PD/PI is located in the United States.




Province for PD/PI.


Key Personnel


Country for the PD/PI address.

Zip/Postal Code

Key Personnel

Postal Code

Postal Code (e.g., ZIP code) of the PD/PI. 


Key Personnel

Office Phone

Daytime phone number for the PD/PI. 


Key Personnel


Fax number for the PD/PI.


Key Personnel


E-mail address for the PD/PI.  .

Credential/Agency login

Key Personnel

ERA Commons User Name

If you are submitting to an agency (e.g., NIH) where you have an established personal profile, enter the agency ID.  If not, leave blank.

Project Role

Key Personnel

Select from list prior to saving

Select Principal Investigator from the list. (default for first person added to the proposal)

Other Project Role Category

Key Personnel

Not applicable for PI.

Only required if Project Role selection is "Other Professional" or "Other".

Degree Type

Key Personnel

HR Data feed, Person Table maintained, or added in Degrees panel

Highest academic or professional degree or credentials

Degree Year

Key Personnel

HR Data feed, Person Table maintained, or added in Degrees panel

Year the highest degree or other credential was obtained.

To Maintain Degree Details: Remove any incorrect or incomplete entries from the KC person table data.  Enter the most significant degree first; this highest degree will publish to the Senior/Key Person form.  Only three (3) degrees should be maintained due to limitations on other forms. Edit your list to display only the most recent and/or significant degrees.

Biographical Sketch

Abstracts & Attachments

Personnel Attachments:

Select Attachment type:   Biosketch

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Review your sponsor-specific proposal submission publication to conform to the required content and page restrictions.

Current & Pending Support

Abstracts & Attachments

Personnel Attachments:

Select Attachment type:   CurrentPending

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Review your sponsor-specific proposal submission publication to determine if a Current & Pending list is required and, if so, what it should contain.

Additional Senior and Key Persons

The entries for all the Investigators and Key Persons are similar to the Principal Investigator requirements.

 Follow the instructions for maintaining the PI (above) and refer to the instructions in your select funding opportunity and/or sponsor submission guidelines for specific requirements.


Prior Form Versions:

Expanded: The only addition to the recent 1-2 version are the fields for Degree Type and Degree Year. The degree data is required for other forms, so this should not be impactful to the KC user.

Original Key Person was limited to the number of persons populated.


RR Key Person Expanded V1-0, 1-1

Retired versions. Similar instructions to current if needed