You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

RR Other Project Information V1.3

User entries are required to populate the forms as noted by yellow-highlighted, bold boxed cells in the tables.

Mandatory form field for validating the form for submission

There may be fields where the data requirement has been met due to actions required for other forms or general KC entries.




KC Tab

Field Name




Are Human Subjects Involved?

Special Review

Review Type: Human Subjects

The YES box must be checked if activities involving human subjects are planned at any time during the proposed project at any performance site, even if the proposed project is exempt from Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects.

To answer YES to Human Subject Involvement: 

Navigate to the Special Review screen and follow the instructions below to enter your special review details.

KC will check the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 1a, and input the FWA code.

To answer NO:  If there are no Human Subject Special Reviews entered in your proposal, the question will be answered with a checkmark in the “no” box.

Click the drop-down box in the field labeled Special Review

Select the Review Type Human Subjects

Click the drop-down box in the field labeled Approval and Select a status appropriate to the review. If:

      The status is Pending, then all required information has been entered. (No date required.)

      The status is Submitted, enter the date of the Regulatory Review in the Application Date field.

      The status is Approved, then a protocol number must be entered in the Protocol No. field and a date entered into the Approval Date field

      The status is Exempt, the exempt code must be entered in the Comments field. Valid exemption codes are: E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, and E6. If multiple exempt codes are required, entries should be separated by a comma only, not spaces (i.e. E1,E4).

Exemption Number – If the IRB review confirms that the human subject activities are exempt from Federal regulations, provide the exemption numbers corresponding to one or more of the exemption categories. The six categories of research that qualify for exemption from coverage by the regulations are defined in the Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects. These regulations can be found at:


Add the entry.


2 & 2a

Are Vertebrate Animals Used?

Special Review

Review Type: Vertebrate Animals

The YES box must be checked if activities involving vertebrate animals are planned at any time during the proposed project at any performance site.  If no, skip the remaining questions about Vertebrate Subjects.

To answer YES to Vertebrate Animals use:

Navigate to the Special Review screen and follow the instructions below to enter your special review details.

Once input, KC will check the appropriate boxes in items 2 and 2a, and input the Institutional IACUC approval date.

To answer NO:  If there is no animal use special review entered in your proposal, the question will be answered with a checkmark in the “no” box.

Click the drop-down box in the field labeled Special Review

Select the Review Type Animal Usage

Click the drop-down box in the field labeled Approval and Select a status appropriate to the review. If:

      The status is Pending, then all required information has been entered. (No date required.)

      The status is Submitted, enter the date of the Regulatory Review in the Application Date field.

      The status is Approved, then a protocol number must be entered in the Protocol No. field and a date entered into the Approval Date field


Consistent with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act [7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.] and the regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture [9 CFR, 1.1-4.11], NSF requires that proposed projects involving use of any vertebrate animal for research or education be approved by the submitting organization's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before an award can be made. IACUC approval must be received prior to an award. Questions regarding this requirement should be directed to the cognizant NSF Program Officer.

For applications involving the use of vertebrate animals, sufficient information must be provided within the 15-page project description to enable reviewers to evaluate the choice of species, number of animals to be used, and any necessary exposure of animals to discomfort, pain, or injury.


Add the entry.



Is Proprietary/ Privileged Information Included in the Application?



If the application includes such information, check the “Yes”, otherwise, check the No box.

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Review your sponsor-specific proposal submission publication to conform to their required markings.



Does this Project Have an Actual or Potential Impact on the Environment?




4.a.: To respond to the question check yes, no, or not applicable.

4.b: If you answered yes to 4a, enter a brief explanation(up to 55 characters) for the actual or potential impact on the environment in the Comment box. Enter the review date in the Review Date field.


If this project has an actual or potential impact on the environment, has an exemption been authorized or an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) been performed?




4.c: Check yes or no to indicate an if exemption been authorized or an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) been performed.  


4.d: If you answered yes to 4c, please explain – Provide a brief (up to 55 characters) explanation in the Comment box or upload narrative type "Other” to generate the Other Attachments field on this form.


Is the research performance site designated, or eligible to be designated, as a historic place?



5.a: To respond to the question check yes or no.


5.b: If yes; Provide an explanation in the Comment box.

Enter a Review date.

This Historical Sites question is required this form. All YNQ questions must be answered for every proposal as they support multiple forms or institutional data requirements.






Does this Project Involve Activities Outside the U.S. or Partnership with International Collaborators?



6.a: To respond to the question check yes or no.

6.b: If yes, enter the names of the countries with which international cooperative activities are involved, & enter a Review date.

6.c: Optional Explanation. Enter brief text in the Explanation box to provide any supplemental explanation for involvement with outside entities or upload a narrative file “Other”.


 Project Summary/Abstract

Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 5:   ProjectSummary

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.


Project Narrative

Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 1:   Narrative


Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.


Bibliography & References Cited

Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 4:   Bibliography

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.


Facilities & Other Resources

Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 2:   Facilities

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.



Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 3:   Equipment

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.


Field 12:

Other Attachments

Abstracts and Attachments

Attachment Type

Select Narrative Type ID 8: Other

This narrative type requires a Description/Title. Do NOT use special characters or spaces in name you type in KC. Only numbers, letters, hyphens, underscores, and periods should be used.

Sponsor Specific Instructions:

Read your sponsor-specific selected opportunity for the required content of this upload.  KC will generate and display Field 12 (11 on the 1-1 version) only when the narrative type “Other” is uploaded in the proposal attachments, otherwise this field description will not appear on the KC generated form.  Multiple lines will be generated, as required, for each upload.  Questions in fields 4 and 5 of this form allow for optional uploads to this location.


Prior Form Versions:

Use these instructions for either the 1-1 or the 1-2 form versions. Minor differences between the 1-1_V1.1 and 1-2_V1-2 of this form is the addition of YNQ Question G6 on historic places designation in Field 5 (relocated from the NSF Cover Page V1-1), which changes the field numbering for the remainder of the form. Otherwise, the change in field numbering is the only noticeable change. The supporting narrative upload types are unchanged – just the field numbers where they appear on the printed form. The form logic change in V1-3 is not apparent to the end user.