You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

SF 424 Short V1.0



Box 1 - Name of Federal Agency

This is the sponsor associated with the proposal found on the proposal tab within KC proposal development.


Box 2 - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number and Title

CFDA number is set to the CFDA number that is indicated under the ‘Sponsor & Program Information’ panel in the proposal tab within KC proposal development. This field is either manually entered or automatically populated if a opportunity is attached to the proposal via the opportunity lookup on the tab.  CFDA title is set to the Program Title of the proposal, which is driven by the ‘Opportunity Title’ field in the ‘Sponsor & Program Information’ panel in the proposal tab within the KC

proposal development. This field is either manually entered or automatically populated if a opportunity is attached to the proposal via the opportunity lookup on the tab.


Technical notes:

Program title of the proposal (OSP$EPS_PROPOSAL.PROGRAM_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE) is populated from the opportunity title (OSP$S2S_OPPORTUNITY.OPPORTUNITY_TITLE). This should be the CFDA title, which is not available in KC. The DAT file indicates that the title should be "Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance title of the program under which assistance is requested." Type of Application


Box 3 - Date Received

Currently this is today’s date.

*Data file says: “Completed by upon submission.” but it is mandatory in the schema, so we put today’s date.


Box 4. Funding Opportunity Number and Title




Box 5 Applicant Information

This is the organizational data for the organization for this proposal. The legal name is the name of the organization. The address information comes from the rolodex details of the organization contact person.


Technical Notes:

The organization comes from OSP$EPS_PROPOSAL.ORGANIZATION_ID.The contact for the organization comes from OSP$ORGANIZATION.CONTACT_ADDRESS_ID.  Department and Division names are optional elements in the schema. DAT file instruction for Department states "Enter the name of primary organizational department, service, laboratory or equivalent level within the organization which will undertake the assistance activity." Division should be "the name of primary organizational division, office or major subdivision which will undertake the assistance activity."


Box 5a - Legal Name

The legal name is the name of the organization name. It is the organization associated with the proposal. It comes from OSP$ORGANIZATION.ORGANIZATION_NAME.


Box 5b – Address

The address information comes from the rolodex details of the organization contact person.


Box 5c – Web Address

The address information comes from the rolodex details of the organization contact person.


Box 5d - Type of Applicant 1-3: Select Applicant Type

This is based on the organization’s type. If the organization has more than one type associated with it, we will take up to three types. We have s2sSF424V2Pkg.getSF424V2ApplicantType()to mapping our organization code to the allowed value. The values allowed for the organization type are:

• A: State Government

• B: County Government

• C: City or Township Government

• D: Special District Governments

• E: Independent School District

• F: State-Controlled Institution

• G: Native American Tribal Government of Higher Education (Federally Recognized)

• H: Public/Indian Housing Authority

• I: Native American Tribal Organization (other than Federally recognized)

• J: Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than Institution of Higher

• K: Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than Institution of Higher Education)

• L: Private Institution of Higher Education

• M: Individual

• N: For-profit Organization (other than small business)

• O: Small Business

• P: Other (specify)


Box 5e - employer/Taxpayer identification number(EIN/TIN)

This is the employer's Federal ID of the proposal's organization. It comes from OSP$ORGANIZATION.FEDRAL_EMPLOYER_ID.


Box 5f – Organizational DUNS

This is DUNS of proposal’s organization. It comes from OSP$ORGANIZATION.DUNS


Box 5g – Congressional District of Applicant

Applicant congressional district comes from the organization for the proposal indicated in the ‘Organization/Location’ panel in the proposal tab within KC proposal development.







Box 6 Project Information

Box 6a – Project Title

This is the ‘Project Title’ input on the proposal tab within KC proposal development.


Box 6b – Project Description

This is the ‘Project Description’ detail added in the Abstract panel of the Abstracts and Attachments tab within KC proposal development. Within the Abstracts panel there is a dropdown selection for Abstract Type of ‘Project Summary’ [Abstract Type 1] and the Abstract Detail included will feed into this form field if added to the proposal. *THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD*


Box 6c – Proposed Project: Start Date & End Date

This is the project start & end date indicated on the proposal tab within KC proposal development.



Box 7 Project Director

This is the PI info for the proposal. PI contact information comes from the proposal person table.



Box 8 - Primary Contract/Grants Administrator

Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application comes from the organizational contact person.   Person to be contacted on matters involving this application.  This field is driven by the value of the parameter PROPOSAL_CONTACT_TYPE. The value of this parameter can be as follows:

• O (default) - OSP administrator for lead unit

• I- organization rolodex contact

• A - administrative officer from lead unit

• U - unit head of lead unit

• D - dean/VP of lead unit

• H - other individual to notify for lead unit

• a number (unit administrator type) - from osp$unit_administrators - if there is more

than one person, use the first

• C-FEL - fellowship coordinator -  If the proposal is a Fellowship (activity code = 3 or 7), the person to be contacted will be the Fellowship coordinator (unit_administrator type = 3) for the top unit. To get the ‘top unit’, start at the lead unit for the proposal, and

travel up the hierarchy to find the first unit with an organization.  If there is no fellowship coordinator for the top unit, then person to be contacted defaults to the OSP coordinator for the lead unit.


--NOTE TO MAPPING: It was decided KC will behave differently than COEUS from the above mentioned mapping. Instead KC will map the contact person default from Unit Administrator Code 6 ‘ Proposal Contact’ since this administrator type is limited to only one entry and was created specifically for this field. See KRACOEUS-3736.





Box 9 Certification Agree

This is hard coded to "I agree".


Authorized Representative

If the proposal has been submitted to the sponsor, this is the person who submitted the proposal to the sponsor. Details come from the osp$person table.  If proposal has not yet been submitted to the sponsor, this is the organizational contact person.