You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

SF 424 V2.0 (not R&R)

Majority of fields are populated based on centrally maintained Organization Data, and standard proposal data entry detailed in the more frequently used R&R form version.

Only the unique field maintenance required for this form will be detailed.

2. Type Of Application = Revision, the revision type (Increase Award, Decrease Award, etc) is taken from the screen: Opportunity panel.

If Revision the appropriate letter(s) allowed are:

B: Decrease Award

C: Increase Duration

D: Decrease Duration

E: Other (specify)

AC: Increase Award, Increase Duration

AD: Increase Award, Decrease Duration

BC: Decrease Award, Increase Duration

BD: Decrease Award, Decrease Duration




10. Name of Federal Agency: data populated from selected Opportunity.

11. CFDA Title: data populated from either user entry or the selected Opportunity.

12. Funding Opportunity Number: data populated from either the user entry, or the selected Opportunity.

13. Competition Identification Number: data populated from either the user entry, or the selected Opportunity.



14. Areas Affected By Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): User entered data in ABSTRACTS panel of Abstracts & Attachments tab.

15. Descriptive Title of Applicants Project: Proposal Details: Title.

Attach Supporting Documents:  Upload Proposa lNarrative Type: SF424V2_AdditionalProjectTitle (ID 41), multiples allowed.


16. Attach Supporting Documents:  Upload Proposal Narrative Type: SF424V2_ AdditionalCongressionalDistricts (ID 42)



Box 21: Hard-coded to be checked. Application cannot be submitted if this box remains unchecked. There is no option.

Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation: Proposal Organization answer to YNQ question id “I7”. A Yes answer supports text entered in the explanation field to populate in the form text field.