You are here: Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

SFLLL V1.1 (aka Disclosure of Lobbying Activities)


1 - Type of Federal Action is hard coded to “Grant”. It is in a stored procedure( s2sSFLLLPkg.get_types()).

2 - Status of Federal Action is hard coded to “BidOffer.” It is in a stored procedure ( s2sSFLLLPkg.get_types()).

3 - Report Type is hard coded to “InitialFiling”. It is in a stored procedure ( s2sSFLLLPkg.get_types()).

4 - Name and Address of Reporting Entity

The Reporting Entity type is hard coded to “Prime”. It is in a stored procedure ( s2sSFLLLPkg.get_eps_infos()).

      Name: This is the Proposal’s organization name.

      Address: This is the Proposal’s organization Contact person’s address from osp$rolodex table

      Congressional District: The Proposal’s Organization congressional district.



6- Federal Department/Agency Proposal Details:  Sponsor (if not maintained, uses Prime Sponsor)

7 - Federal Program Name/Description: Proposal Details: Program Title provided from Opportunity liked to the proposal.     CFDA Number Proposal Details: CFDA No.

8 - Federal Action Number: Not required; thus not populated

9 - Award Amount: Not required; thus not populated


10 - a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant: data not currently maintained in KC: hard-coded to “N/A”.

10 - b. Individual Performing Services: data not currently maintained in KC: hard-coded to “N/A”.




Submitted proposals: the approver’s name (from the osp$person table) is populated.

Routing/In-Progress proposals:  the name of organizational contact person.