Internal Attachments

Internal Attachments section
Proposal Development Document, Notes and Attachments page, Internal Attachments section

The Internal Attachments section allows you to add notes or information meant for the Office of Sponsored Programs. This is where you would attach items such as Supplemental forms A, or C; or where you might include email conversations pertaining to the proposal.



Attachment Type

Required. Use the drop-down selector to choose the type of attachment you are adding.

  • Supplemental Form A - to be submitted for each unit to be assigned a separate task
  • Supplemental Form C - to be submitted for each subcontract to be issues under a sponsored project
  • Other (please detail in description) - to be used when submitting other documentation, such as copies of email exchanges.


Required. Descriptions are always required for internal attachments to OSP.

File Name

Required.Click the Browse button to select a file from your computer and insert it into the Internal Attachments section.


Click the add button to insert the attachment.

Proposal Development Document, Notes and Attachments

Add a file to the Internal Attachments section

  1. Choose an Attachment Type from the Attachment Type drop-down list.
  2. Include a Description of the file, if desired, to indentify its contents.
  3. Click the Browse button in the File Name area to open the File Upload dialog window.
  4. Navigate to the file's location on your computer.
  5. Click on the desired file to select it, and see the File Name appear in the field at the bottom of the File Upload window.
  6. Click the Open button to bring the selected file into the Proposal Attachments section.
  7. Click the add button in the Action column to save the attachment for OSP to review.