The Proposal Summary section provides an at-a-glance overview of the basic proposal information from the first (proposal) page of the document. See the title, PI, deadlines, and other overview information.
Field |
Description |
Title |
This field will display the full title of the proposed project, as entered on the Proposal page. |
Principal Investigator |
This field displays the name of the PI who was selected as the lead investigator for the project on the Proposal page. |
Lead Unit |
This field displays the WVU+kc identification number and name of the WVU department (or WVU Center) that will receive and oversee the funding for this project. |
Activity Type |
Displays the type of project that was selected on the Proposal page of this document. |
Project Start Date |
This field shows the date on which the project activity is expected to begin, as entered on the Proposal page. |
Project End Date |
This field shows the date on which the project activity is expected to come to an end, as entered on the Proposal page. |
Include Subaward(s)? |
This field indicates whether the the project will include any subawards to other institutions, based on the checkbox on the Proposal page. |
Proposal Number |
This field shows the system-generated number assigned to this proposal. You may use this number to refer to or search for the proposal in the future. |
Sponsor |
The name of the sponsoring agency that will receive the funding request is listed here. |
Sponsor Deadline Date |
This field displays the deadline for funding requests specified by the sponsoring agency, as entered on the Proposal page. |
Sponsor Deadline Type |
This field indicates how the sponsoring agency has set the rules for the submission deadline, as entered on the Proposal page. Specifies if the funding request must be received by that date, or postmarked by the deadline date. Might also show that the deadline is a 'target date'. |