Sponsor & Program Information

Sponsor & Program Information Section
Proposal Development Document, Sponsor & Program Information section

The Sponsor & Program Information section is where you will enter details about the proposed sponsoring agency, the deadlines for sponsorship submission, the type of award expected, the method of notice about this funding opportunity, and what field of study the proposal will focus on.



Sponsor Deadline Date

Required. Use the calendar tool to select the deadline for application as stated by the anticipated sponsoring entity.

Sponsor Deadline Type

Required. Indicate how the sponsoring entity will determine the cut-off for their deadline.

  • Postmark: the application must be postmarked by the selected deadline
  • Receipt: the sponsoring entity must receive the application by the selected deadline
  • Target: the deadline is a target date, and the sponsoring entity will accept applications near that date

Sponsor Name

The name of the sponsoring entity will be pulled from the Sponsor Code selected in the Required Fields for Saving Document section on the Proposal page.

Prime Sponsor ID

If this project will be conducted in cooperation with another institution or entity which is receiving the primary funding, list that institution here. Click the Search icon to search for and return a value.

Field of Study Code

Required. Identitfies what area of research (what field of study) this project will investigate. Select the approriate choice from the list.

Check if proposal includes subaward(s) to entities outside of WVU

If WVU is the main research institution receiving the award for this project, but will include a subaward to an entity outside of WVU, check the box. Checking this box will require supplemental documentation to be included before you can submit the proposal.

Anticipated Award Type

Select the type of funding expected from the funding agency.

  • Contract: the WVU researcher or unit will perform contracted work
  • Cooperative Agreement: the WVU researcher or unit will enter a cooperative agreement with the sponsoring entity
  • Grant: the WVU researcher or unit will receive the award as a grant

Agency Routing Identifier

If the sponsoring agency provides a Routing Identifier, enter it here.

Sponsor Deadline Time

The time of day specified as part of the sponsor's deadline for applications. Enter only hours and minutes with AM or PM, e.g. 6:00 PM.

Notice of Opportunity

How was the funding opportunity advertised? Choose from the list.

  • Federal Solicitation: the grant or funding opportunity was advertised via a federal site or program such as Grants.gov
  • Unsolicited: the grant or funding opportunity was not solicited; the WVU researcher is requesting funding without a notice of opportunity
  • Verbal Request for Proposal: the WVU researcher has spoken with someone at the sponsoring entity who verbally solicited the funding proposal
  • SBIR Solicitation: the solicitation for proposals was made by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program
  • STTR Solicitation: the solicitation for proposals was made by the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program
  • Non-Federal Solicitation: the solicitation for proposals comes from a non-federal entity

Opportunity ID

funding opportunities advertised by federal entities will be posted (on Grants.gov) with a Funding Opportunity Number. Enter that number here.

Grant Mechanism

What type of grant program will this award be associated with? Select the appropriate type of grant program from the list.

Prev Grants.Gov Tracking ID

If this proposal is connected to a previous project that had a Grants.gov tracking ID, enter that number here.

Proposal Development Document, Sponsor & Program Information