You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Budget Adjustment > Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget

Detailed Procedure


To create a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget:


Create a new Award Budget by entering a name for the version in the Name field and then clicking the new button in the Actions column in the Budget Versions section of the Budget Versions page of the Award document.


Click the Non-Personnel tab to display the Non-Personnel page.   In the Equipment section, add an Equipment line item.  In the Travel section, add a Travel line item.

tip.png  The idea is that the selections you make should be ones that have already been mapped using the table above - again these selections are already mapped in the table.



On the Personnel page, add line items by selecting a Job Code for the person, select an Appointment Type, enter a Base Salary, and then click the [sync personnel] button which adds the person to the Award Budget as a numbered line item in the Project Personnel section. 




In the Personnel Detail section below, select values for the Person (for example, ‘summary’), Object Code Name (for example, ‘Administrative Staff – On’) and Group (for example, new Group) fields and then click the  [add] button to add your selections as a numbered line item below. 

tip.png  The object code for the person job code and all the RateClass, RateType values listed under RateClass should have mapping KFS object code values.

The Administrative Staff – On/new Group section appears with subsections for Group Details and Rate Classes.



In the subsection (line item), add a requested salary and click [calculate] to get the fringe amount displayed.  This adds the calculated fringe costs to the budget.

tip.png  If you then scroll down and click show to view the Rate Classes subsection, these are the Rate Class / Rate Types that need to be entered into the Financial Object Code Mapping table with corresponding KFS object codes.



Click the save  button.


Navigate to the Budget Actions page, show the Data Validation section, and click the turn on validation button. 

caution.png  In the Validation Errors subsection, if you receive the message ‘Total requested cost of the budget does not match the Budget Change Total Cost Limit.’ it means you have requested a budget that is lower than the total cost limit for that budget, and the fix is that the Budget Total Cost Limit is the obligated total, and it needs to equal The Budget Change Total Cost Limit.



To fix it, go to the Parameters page of the Award Budget Document, and enter that amount (copy Budget Total Cost Limit value)  in the Cost Limit Field in Budget Periods & Totals section, then click save to save this change to the document.




Navigate to Non-Personnel page, and select any line item that you have already added (for example,  Equipment) and then click the [sync to period cost limit] button.  This increases the value so it matches the total.




Navigate to the Budget Actions  page and click the turn on validation  button to validate again.



Click the save  button.



Click the submit  button.  A confirmation appears in the system notification area indicating submission success.




While logged in to KC as an Award Budget Approver, after the Award Budget Document has been submitted, the Award Budget Approver opens the document from their action list and clicks the approve button, or if the user has appropriate permissions, the blanket approve  button.




After the Award Budget document has been approved, as its Initiator, log back in to KC and open the document.  Select yes to the confirmation prompt to proceed with updated rates.



Navigate to the Budget Actions page.  A new post command button appears on the Budget Actions page of the Award Budget Document in the workflow buttons area at the bottom, center of the page.  Click the post button to post the budget to KFS.  This automatically creates a new Budget Adjustment document in KFS.



The KFS Budget Adjustment document number appears in the confirmation message in KC.


award budget post success ba created.jpg


The KFS Budget Adjustment document you just created has accounting lines that match the totals in the Award Budget Summary page, and also the Budget Limits section lines in the Award (not Award Budget) document Budget Versions page (accessible via the blue [return to award] on Award Budget doc).


KC Award Budget Summary Budget Totals.jpg



In KC Award doc, Budget Versions page, scroll down to Budget Limits panel , the subsection accounting lines match what is in the KFS Budget Adjustment document accounting line values, and the Object Codes for each line item expense match each other

caution.png  In the above example, the manner in which Fringe Benefits are calculated is based on two different Rate Class and Rate Types, so it gets split into different KFS Object Codes.


 End of activity.