You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Budget Adjustment > Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget

Quick Reference Guide – Abbreviated Procedure

Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment document from a KC Award Budget document is also referred to as “posting the Award Budget.”  This assumes you have first met the requirements in the “Setting up BA creation” procedure covered earlier in this document, and you have opened the KC Award Budget document.


To post the budget:


Navigate to the Budget Actions page and turn validation on.


If error ‘Total requested cost of the budget does not match the Budget Change Total Cost Limit.’ received, make the Cost Limit equal to the Budget Change Total Cost Limit and then navigate to the Non-Personnel page and sync the cost.


Go to the Award Actions page and click submit.


Log in as an Award Budget Approver and approve the budget.


Log in as Central Admin Award Budget initiator again and post.

 End of activity.