You are here: Appendix C: Kuali Financial System Integration > Budget Adjustment > Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment from a KC Award Budget


Before you start to use the KFS-KC integration functionality that allows you to create a KFS Budget Adjustment document from a KC Award Budget document, it is important to have a basic understanding of the context of its use and why it is important.

It is also helpful for you to understand the trigger or circumstance that initiates the need to use this functionality, and the fundamentals of its life cycle – when it is required, who completes it, its routing, etc.

Business Needs and Purpose

The purpose and justification for usage of the BA creation from KC Award Budget functionality, and the events that occur as a result of its usage are:

      The finalized KC Award Budget should be the source of the eventual KFS Account budget representing those project funds.

      Prior to this integration, the KC budget and KFS budget were generated independently and there was no definitive tie between KC object codes and KFS object codes. Creating the associated account budget in KFS was a manual process that, depending on the variance of object codes between the two systems, would involve a fair degree of guesswork by the user.

      This will ensure a more direct relationship between the two budgets and limit error-prone manual entry of the budget into KFS. 


Implementing institutions likely have policy statements pertaining to this activity which require:

      a single set of object codes shared by multiple systems

Roles and Responsibilities

The primary responsibilities for each actor in this procedure are:

      The KC Central Admin Staff Member  is responsible for creating the Award and Award Budget document.

      The Principal Investigator is responsible for approving the Award Budget document.




This procedure covers:

      Posting a KC Award Budget document to KFS

      Creating a KFS Budget Adjustment document from a KC Award Budget document

Before You Begin

Before you begin this procedure, you will first need the following:



Prior Procedure Reference:  This procedure continues from “Setting up BA creation integration” on page 1521  in this document, which outlines pre-existing condition requirements and associated prerequisite tasks that must be completed prior to initiating this activity.



Caution:  Fringe Benefits are calculated is based on two different Rate Class and Rate Types, so it gets split into different KFS object codes.  This is due to the way the different Rate Class and Rate Type combinations are split into two separate budget items.

Navigation Path

Getting started – this quick system reference depicts how to access the start screen for this procedure.  The process task steps in the ordered list below assume you will be creating a KFS BA from a KC Award Budget document.

Create New:

 > >>


For general information on creating a new Award Budget document, see “Initiating a Document” in Common E-Doc Operations.

Access Existing:

doc search.jpg>> enter/select criteria >search.jpg>


action list.jpg > >



For more information on accessing an existing document using the global doc search button, see “Searching for a Document” in Common E-Doc Operations.


For more information on accessing an existing document using the global action list button, see “Using the Action List” in Common E-Doc Operations.